nazka mapps in Discover Benelux Magazine
Nazka mentioned as "one of the most successful start-ups in Belgium" in het magazine Discover Benelux
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12 may 2023
In May it was time for our first team building day in Bruges. We did not let the rain clouds stop us and hit the road for a day full of surprises.
Before noon we were introduced to the world of bushcraft thanks to Het Lepelhuis. We now know everything about making fire, carving wood and baking simple breads called bannock, jumm! Afterwards it was time for a cultural activity, we visited the Halve Maan brewery in Bruges. Obviously we did a tasting of the famous Brugse Zot beer. We ended the day with a walk through the beautiful city and a nice diner.
We can't wait to find out what we are going to do next year!